So I realize that blogging is very similar to journals, which means it will be very sporadic for me. I've never been good at keeping up with a journal, but I'm trying harder with a blog because at least I know people want to read this (I hope).
It has been a very busy couple of months. Jaida and I went on another trip to Edmonton to visit my bestie Ashley and her hubby Caleb. Because I didn't want to just go up and shop (although I loved to), I really didn't want to spend money, so this trip was going to be a productive one. I bought a cookbook called The Big Cook 2, this is one of those cookbooks where you can cook 200 meals in 1 day. Being that this was our first go at it Ashley and I decided that we wouldn't go all out but start out slowly. So we decided to cook 24 meals for 12 each. When I got up there on Friday night, Ashley and I decided what to make and headed to the grocery store with our giant list. Luckily a lot of the stuff was on sale so we only spent $120 altogether which works out to $5 per family sized meal. Saturday morning came, we cranked the tunes and start to cook. Really the only real cooking was browning ground beef, chopping a million onions, and making the pizza rolls. In total it only took 4 1/2 hrs to make 8 meatloaves, 4 white chili's, 4 beef dips, 4 tater tot casseroles, and 5 dozen pizza buns. And they all taste delicious. It was a nice laid back weekend after that watching chick flicks.
The next weekend we went on our first family getaway. Travis was team roping in Kalispell and didn't want to be away from baby girl that long. So we booked a hotel and off we went. Jaida did amazing on the drive down, and tolerated the total lack of schedule. Saturday morning we ate a delicious continental breakfast with an omelet bar and then Travis left with his dad to the roping arena. Jaida and I were off to do some shopping. I bought a bunch of cute and inexpensive summer clothes for Jaida. And picked up a play yard for half the price of the one in Canada and it was an extra 20 sq ft. Then we went and watched Daddy and Grandpa Bevan rope. But the thing I was looking for the most was going to Famous Dave's. That is the only reason to go to Kalispell it is delicious. We discovered an app for my iPad and iPhone that would send us a text if Jaida started to cry, we could also listen in. This meant that Travis and I could go to the pool and to the room party and feel content that our baby was OK. We left Sunday night and went the Fernie way but we ran into a blizzard. It was scary seeing all the cars with police tape around them and noticing the missing guardrails. Jaida was a little restless but fell asleep at Fernie until Lethbridge which made it easier for Travis to concentrate. It was a wonderful trip and now we know what it entails to take a baby on vacation.
For Easter we went to High River for my cousin Benjamin's ordination into the aaronic priesthood. Afterward we had an Easter dinner in the church gym with my dad's side of the family. It was great to see everyone and how Jaida interacted with them.
Then we had the Big BFR 10 Steer roping which the whole Bevan family works at. It's a crazy long weekend but fun to see all the ropers and family. It was different this year with having a baby, and having to still get up in the night for feedings but I adjusted I think haha. It was another successful year.
On top of all our weekend adventures every Monday afternoon Jaida and I go to Baby PACT at the Family Centre and play. It is fun to watch all the other children and the 3 sets of twins in the group. As well on Wednesday mornings I volunteer at the child program at Goodlife Fitness. I do 11 hrs a month and with this I get a membership and childcare for free. It is so awesome, I love their classes and the fact that Jaida is getting use to being away from me.
So those are our adventures over the last few months, but here is an update on Jaida. No she is not crawling but half scooting, she loves to hold our fingers and walk or just stand and play. she loves to bounce to music and the only way I get a shower is if I turn on Backyardigans. She loves that show and it gives me at least 25 mins of shower and getting ready time which is very very precious. She babble and yells up a storm, it is sooo cute. As long as I am holding her she is super happy and smiling with anyone willing to look. she has learned how to clap her hands and wave goodbye. When Daddy or Auntie Heidi walks in the room she gets very excited and bounces up and down and flaps her arms. I love this little girl so much, though there are days that are tough, I still know that she loves me and I her.